Friday, June 13, 2008


Angie posted her latest and greatest purchase at Walmart and so I thought I'd post mine. Yesterday my beautiful white truck got a new set of tires (the ones I had on it were recalled by Goodyear - I'd had them on a year or two). I feel a little guilty accepting new tires but what do you do?? Dad and Angie think that the new tires and a full tank of gas more than triples the actual value of the truck! Who knows...maybe that truck will run for another year or two.

I sometimes wish for a new vehicle but I love not making out a car payment to send off each month and so for that reason alone I will drive it until it won't go another mile, which probably won't be too far!


Marci said...

Jealous.. why can't that happen to me? I want new tires

Poppy said...

Lucky - You get all the new stuff.

Stacie said...
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Stacie said...

Oops--that last one was me.

I thought that my aversion to car payments was a side-effect of marrying a Swain. I'm guess that I'm going to have to re-think that one.

Stacie said...

Apparently I should be in bed. I am having some serious spelling/grammar issues.

My apologies to Paul. I know how you hate incorrect spelling/grammar. :)